Frequently Asked Questions
1. What services does Derby City Litho offer?
What services do you want? Derby City Litho offers an incredibly diverse array of printing options to get the job done right! We offer offset printing options from simple single-color jobs to long run four and six color projects with multiple finishes. We also have digital printing capabilities for every job from quick, short-run prints or complex variable data printing. But that is just the beginning of our services. DCL can take care of your job from the design of the piece, to the print, to the finishing, bindery, fulfillment, mailing, and/or shipping.
2. What file types can be used for print?
Our preferred file formats are: Acrobat (PDF), Illustrator (AI, EPS), InDesign (INDD), or Photoshop (PSD).
3. What if I used an application that is not listed as a preferred file format?
If your application can generate a press-quality PDF file, that can be used to print. While we accept any PDF file that meets our requirements and passes our preflight process, we can only provide support for the applications listed on our website. Some applications may be able to create a PDF file, but not create a PDF that meets quality four-color printing standards. Contact Derby City Litho with any questions.
4. What is the your turnaround time for a print job?
While 2-3 working days is an average turnaround time for most orders, the complexity of each job determines the turn time.
5. Can I receive a proof?
Absolutely! We will provide you with a proof to review that is appropriate to the complexity of your print piece. A color critical job may require a high resolution proof of the entire press sheet to size, whereas a repeat order of business cards may only need an email pdf proof. For a multiple page piece requiring pagination, we suggest viewing a low resolution digital mock-up of the job. Contact us to find out what type of proof will be the best fit for your project!
6. Do you deliver?
We have delivery personnel on staff for local drop-offs, and can deliver worldwide via UPS, and FED EX.
7. Can I use metallic inks or use different coatings?
We are able to print up to 6 colors plus coating for an incredible array of print possibilities. Derby City offers metallic inks, florescent inks, spot colors or pantones, and matte UV, glossy UV, and aqueous coatings.
8. How can I send my files to you?
You can upload files directly to us online here. We can accept .pdf, .sit, .sitx, and .zip files up to 1GB in size. Upload your file here.
9. How can I get an estimate from you?
There are many ways of getting an estimate for your upcoming job! Since you are already on our website, you can use our online price quote request form. Otherwise, the best way to ensure that we get all the information necessary to do an accurate quote is to give us a call and talk with one of our customer service representatives.
10. At what resolution should I save my photos and graphics?
Resolution should be set to 300 dpi. Pictures and graphics pulled from the Internet are often low resolution, typically 72 dpi or 96 dpi. Avoid these graphics, as they will appear pixelated and blocky when printed. Also, note that you should save all photos in CMYK mode, not RGB mode, when possible. Images saved in RGB mode may not print properly. If you are unable to save your image in CYMK mode, please let us know.